Thursday, March 11, 2010


"Evilspeak"(1981) -

"Evil Speak" stars cult icon Clint Howard as Stanley Coopersmith, an awkward ugly duckling left to fend for himself at a ruthless military academy after losing both his parents to a car accident. Poor Stanley can't seem to do anything right; from getting to class on time, to playing soccer. On top of this, a stock group of bullies are making his life a miserable hell by constantly picking on him and playing practical jokes. Hell, even the authority figures at West Andover Military Academy treat Coopersmith like he's a turd. One day Coopersmith is given the task to clean up the chapel basement as a form of disciplinary action. Here's where the fun kicks in... See the grounds that the academy were built on, also happen to be the same grounds where Esteban, a satanic high priest, was banished to live with his cult during the Spanish Inquisition. When Coopersmith comes across a text written by Esteban, he decides he needs to translate it using some kick-ass early computer technology. Coopersmith likes what Esteban was cooking, so he decides to hold his own black mass to summon Esteban and Satan himself to exact revenge on those who wronged him at the academy.

First off, I have to admit that I'm a sucker for films that deal with early computer technology. I love Wargames and Tron and of course Evilspeak. I love how the computers worked in these older films; just type whatever it is you need to know the answer too, and the computer will do the rest. I love this stuff! I love the aesthetic of the big clunky machinery, I love the sound the heavy keys made as they were pounded upon by our young knowing heros. O.K. I got that out of the way...

Evilspeak is really just a shitload of fun. Clint Howard gives a really memorable and sympathetic performance(hell they even give him a sick puppy to take care of for crying out loud!). They really do a good job of setting Coopersmith up as a character that would so willingly give himself over to the dark one. While the story is a pretty by-the-books revenge tale, Clint's performance and the satanic computer and possessed pigs angle make the film really stand out. Oh right, i forgot to mention the pigs. Somehow, the Satanic text really pisses off the pigs at the academy's farm, and sends them on a wild, face-ripping adventure throughout the course of the film. Good times for sure with this mofo form 1981!

The climax of the film is really a sight to behold. The pig demon reminded of the somewhat silly creature used in a great film by the legendary Jacques Tourneur called "Night of the Demon", but it was still a really fun design. Without giving too much away, I would say based on what was written above, it's farily obvious that Stanley gets his revenge and when he does...it's a damn fun time to be had.

Final Thoughts:

I would suggest "Evilspeak" to anyone who is a fan of early 80's horror and or computer technology, Clint Howard or possessed Satanic pigs who run amok in a woman's shower while she's scrubbing bubbles. The film might seem dated and even tame to some people, but I think it was pretty progressive for the time of it's release and stands out as one of the most unique horror offerings from the 80's you might not have ever heard of.

3.5(almost 4) out of 5

At the time of this writing the dvd released by Anchor Bay in 2004 is OOP. I would say this is a title definitely worth hunting down before it becomes even harder to find in years to come. We can always hope for the blu-ray I suppose.


1 comment:

  1. I need to get my head checked! Enlighten me old friend!
