Sunday, March 7, 2010

Leprechaun at The Oscars

Warwick Davis as The Leprechaun, was just featured in a montage tribute to horror films at The Oscars tonight.

Two things here...One, I believe the above sentence might also be found in the book of revelations as a sign of the coming end. Two, it's awesome that the Academy decided to honor the genre in a montage, that was comprised of not only the classics accepted by most of the general public such as "Psycho" or "The Exorcist", but also included what is often considered lowbrow, like The Voorhees family working their magic.

Good stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Agreed man - the appearance of The Leprechaun is what made me jump up and take notice.

    The editing job could have been better (maybe chronological?) and I would have liked it if they showed some more recent flicks like "Let the Right One In."

    Also, they actually showed the "Misery" hobbling on an Oscar broadcast! Ca-razy!
